lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

Can information in ESTA be updated?

Although the ESTA application form is very simple and easy to complete and is available in Spanish on our website www.usa-esta-org.com, but an error is still easy to make when completing the application, for example, due to inattention. In this case, firstly do not worry and do not panic because it will be easy to fix and change some information in your ESTA document. Here you can read about what information you can change without make new ESTA procedure and how to change data in a previously obtained ESTA authorisation.

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

Is ESTA required for transit through the USA?

Many travellers know that if they want to visit the United States, they need an ESTA authorisation (or traditional visa) before their departure. But only few know that ESTA also is required for a transit through the United States, if it is just for a stopover of only a few minutes or hours. For this if you are planning to travel to one country through the USA, you should therefore complete the procedure for obtaining ESTA authorisation at least 72 hours before your departure.